# Fluent Forms CLI

Fluent Forms Core Advanced

Fluent Forms integrates with WP-CLI (opens new window), enabling you to run certain Fluent Forms tasks via the command line interface, without using a web browser.

# What is WordPress CLI?

WP-CLI is a command line interface for WordPress (opens new window). It offers an alternative to the WordPress admin bar. Using the command line makes it easier for developers, agencies and hosting providers to run actions with fewer clicks, run them remotely, and even perform complex scripts based on certain conditions.

# What is Fluent Forms CLI?

Fluent Forms CLI is a set of commands integrated into WP-CLI to allow developers to run certain Fluent Forms tasks in a command line.

# Syntax

CLI commands syntax:

wp fluentform <command> [--argument]

# Available Commands

Currently, the following Fluent Forms commands are available:

# wp fluentform stats

It will return overall Fluent Forms stats like forms, submissions

# wp fluentform activate_license

Activate Fluent Forms Pro license key via command line


  • key Your Fluent Forms Pro License Key


wp fluentform activate_license --key=YOUR_LICENSE_KEY

# wp fluentform license_status

See Fluent Forms Pro License Status


wp fluentform license_status

# Help

For information about an individual command, use the following format:

wp help fluentform <command>